

Zachary Hunter Ervin

Wow! The first Grindstone Scholar set the bar high. Zachary shared with us how he uses the Pareto principal to be more productive. He was a dual enrollment student, worked a part time job in media technology, built his own website, and even started a foundation. Zachary is already making a positive impact on his community. We look forward to learning how much he can capitalize on his potential.

Highlights from Hunter's Winning Application


Caleb Hagemore

Caleb knows how to get things done. He worked 50 hours per week during summers for a landscaper and until 10pm after school washing dishes. Caleb learned that he wanted to work in HVAC while helping his dad volunteer at Glenwood and Bell Center Early Intervention. Caleb is an exceptional young man and we are thankful that he is part of our community.

What struck us most about Caleb is his gratitude. Here is an excerpt from his answer to, Where does your drive to succeed come from?

"My Dad has always done HVAC and I have always wanted to be like him. He is a very hard worker, and he has shown me that hard work really pays off and that if you stick to something for long enough you will succeed. He has given me an amazing life so far and I can only wish to do the same for my family someday."


Richard Brasher

Even as a middle-schooler, when responsibility knocked on the door, Richard answered. He worked all through high school and volunteered to be the shop manager of his automotive service technician class. Richard was a dual enrollment student and  pushes himself to learn new skills, including interacting with customers. He is a good steward and takes care of the people around him. 

Richard's ability to overcome adversity with a positive and helpful attitude is inspiring. His resilience and drive are a boon to his family and community. Proverbs 24:16 teaches us, "For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity."


Brayley Mitchell

Whether at church, school, or at work, Brayley is active and productive. Backpack Buddies, Future Business Leaders of America, and Volleyball are just a few activities she is involved in. Additionally, she is the office manager for an HVAC company.

In her own words, this commitment and experience "...has taught me about hard work, determination, and focus, and about being a great teammate. I have grown personally and gained confidence with each passing year..."